Hier soir, c’est un clarinettiste qui est venu jouer. Il porte un nom formidable : Renato Mastrocola. Je trouve ce nom extraordinaire. Il impose tout de suite le respect que l’on doit à un musicien illustre parce qu’il a un nom italien. Ca sonne comme « Pavarotti ». On a envie de le déclamer avec une voix forte comme un présentateur à l’entrée de l’artiste, et il est forcément accueilli avec un tonnerre d’applaudissement.
Renato fait partie de cette équipe de jeunes formidables de mon église qui m’ont apporté un soutien sans faille à chaque fois que j’ai fait appel à eux. Et comme les autres il s’est mit sous la Cabane où il a travaillé, sué, lutté et recommencé pour attraper mes notes impossibles. Quand je lui disais « c’est bon, ça devrait aller » et il me répondait toujours : « Non ! Ce n’est pas encore bon ! Encore une prise ! » Et il avait raison, cette prise supplémentaire était toujours un petit miracle, à chaque fois la meilleure.
A la fin de la soirée, j’avais un instrument de plus sur le CD. Il reste encore beaucoup de travail, mais chaque étape nous rapproche du but, et c'était un honneur d'avoir pu enregistrer quelqu'un du nom de Renato Mastrocola.
Renato belongs to this wonderful team of youth of my church who always supported me whenever I called them. Like the others, he sat in the Shelter and he worked, sweated, and struggled to catch my impossible notes. When I would tell him :“It’s ok, this should be fine”, he would always answer: “No! It is not yet fine, record me again!” And he was right, this last additional take was always a little miracle because it was the best one.
At the end of the recording, I could say I had an additional instrument on the CD. There is still quite some work to do. But each recording brings me closer to the goal, and it was another step accomplished yesterday.
Renato sent me a song that you made. It was magnificent! I couldn't understand a word it said, though. I will get Renato to translate it for me in English. :) I barely know any French. But Renato is my boyfriend. He has helped me and inspired me to reach fo God more than anything else. He has been encouraging me to read the Bible and pray everyday! You can't find many guys who do this. Only on rare occasions. I am lucky to be dating Renato Mastrocola, because he not only helped me, and continued to help me, in my life, but in the lives around me. My life has started to change for the better, and everyone can notice the difference in me. And I just tell them that Renato has helped me find Jesus more and more and is inspiring me to stay connected with Him, Jesus Christ. So I just want to thank you for having him play with you and also to thank you for the great, positive comments you said about him. He is the most wonderful guy I have ever met! :)
RépondreSupprimerMay the Gracious Lord of Heaven bless you and your ministry! :)
~Megan Stowe